How To Prepare For A Hard Freeze

Preparing your plants and structures for the harsh conditions of Colorado winters is necessary to maintain a healthy, happy landscape. With the overnight temperatures dipping down below freezing, protecting your lawn, garden, annual flowers and sprinkler system from the harsh freezes is critical in the upcoming weeks.

How To Prepare For A Hard Freeze2023-06-23T22:16:47+00:00

Garden Pests and How to Stop Them

Just when your plants were looking top-notch, they suddenly shriveled up and died. Were they overwatered? Did they get too hot? Good guesses, but it wasn’t either of those. This time, the raiders came through. They drank and ate until there wasn’t anymore, then moved on to the next unsuspecting garden. This is basic survival for some garden pests, whose slash-and-burn approach can devastate all kinds of plants. Here are some of the culprits:

Garden Pests and How to Stop Them2024-01-10T17:49:23+00:00

Beneficial Garden Bugs

Insect pests eat the plants in your garden, while insect predators eat the pests. How can you tell friend from foe? Look for these garden bugs and rest easy that you have a tiny helper in your yard.

Beneficial Garden Bugs2024-01-10T17:55:33+00:00

Grow Local – Challenges and Benefits of Landscaping in Colorado

We love living close to the mountains, and so do some of our favorite plants! Colorado’s high-altitude climate is drier and cooler than some areas, but at Detailed Landscape, it’s a challenge we’re familiar with. Here are some tips for your growing garden:

Grow Local – Challenges and Benefits of Landscaping in Colorado2024-01-10T17:59:53+00:00


Composting is nature’s process of recycling decomposed organic materials into a rich soil. Home composting is an acceleration of this same process. By composting your organic waste you’re returning rich nutrients to the soil, promoting soil microbes that aid plant growth. Essentially, finished compost is a free soil amendment for your garden. It encourages the production of beneficial bacteria and fungi that break down organic matter to create humus, a rich nutrient-filled material. By adding compost you’ll improve the overall texture of your soil, enabling it to retain and drain water better.

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