Understanding Necrotic Ring Spot: Causes, Symptoms, and Management

Necrotic ring spot is a common lawn disease caused by various fungi, particularly in cool-season grasses like Kentucky bluegrass, fine fescue and perennial ryegrass. It typically appears as circular patches of dead or dying grass, earning the disease its fitting name, "necrotic ring spot.”

Understanding Necrotic Ring Spot: Causes, Symptoms, and Management2024-04-23T17:23:29+00:00

Propagating Plants 101

If you're a plant lover and have spent time on the internet in the past five years, you've probably heard something about plant propagation. If you haven't, we're here to give you the 101 on all things propagating.

Propagating Plants 1012024-04-15T17:12:39+00:00

Best Times to Fertilize Your Lawn

Every homeowner desires a lush, green lawn and one key to achieving this is proper lawn fertilization. Timing plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of your lawn fertilization efforts. Adequate watering is also essential for the grass to absorb and utilize the nutrients effectively. For the best results, watering your lawn before and after fertilization will help the nutrients penetrate the soil and reach the root zone.

Best Times to Fertilize Your Lawn2024-04-15T17:05:41+00:00

2023 Holiday Lighting Trends

As the holiday season approaches, it's time to explore the latest trends in holiday lighting that will add a touch of magic to your celebrations. In 2023, many lighting lovers are embracing creativity, sustainability, and smart technology to make your home shine like never before. Here are some top holiday lighting trends for 2023.

2023 Holiday Lighting Trends2024-04-15T17:03:22+00:00

Gardening for Beginners

Northern Colorado is a great place to start your journey as a gardener. With our sunny and dry climate, you can grow a variety of plants, vegetables and fruits. If you’re new to gardening, here are some tips from the experts at Detailed Landscape. We’ll help you take the first steps.

Gardening for Beginners2023-06-27T14:47:27+00:00

6 Tips For Hosting The Perfect BBQ

There is no doubt that Colorado summers were made for BBQs. Good food, good music and good beer creates one of the most relaxing and enjoyable environments to host a party. There’s no better time than late spring or summer to invite neighbors and friends over for a backyard party. We’ve put together a few tips to help you get the party started!

6 Tips For Hosting The Perfect BBQ2023-06-27T14:51:26+00:00

4 Ways to Use Those Leaves Laying Around Your Yard

Fall is one of Colorado’s most beautiful seasons, but the mess of leaves left behind can cause some frustration for homeowners who aren’t sure what to do with them. Using leaves in your garden and around your yard can be beneficial to your plants and soil (did you know that in a forest, trees absorb more than half of their nutrients from fallen leaves?), and raking and bagging leaves can be useful around your outbuildings!

4 Ways to Use Those Leaves Laying Around Your Yard2023-06-22T19:49:34+00:00

5 Mistakes You’re Making With Mums

Just when other plants seem to call it quits in the cool Colorado weather, mums begin to hit their stride. According to Good Housekeeping, on average, garden mums will not start to set buds until the night lasts about 10 hours – typically sometime between September and October. Blooms will follow in the next six to 10 weeks. And as the colder weather intensifies, mums will keep their colors and blossoms until the first hard frost. Though they are considered a hardier plant, mums do need specific care to add their brilliance to your landscape. Here are five common mistakes you might be making with these beautiful fall flowers.

5 Mistakes You’re Making With Mums2023-06-22T23:06:19+00:00
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