After eyeing our beautiful, detailed landscapes in Northern Colorado, you’ve decided that it’s time to transform your yard into your personal oasis. You might be asking, what’s next? Hiring a custom landscaping team shouldn’t be complicated. As you’ll see, we’ll guide you every step of the way.

Initial Consultation

During our initial consultation, we’ll discuss the details of your project. From understanding its size to capturing your vision, this discussion is a perfect opportunity to address any questions you may have. Then we will carefully pair you with a designer that best suits your project’s needs and schedule an on-site meeting.

On-Site Meeting

At Detailed Landscape, we understand your outdoor environment has its own unique characteristics. During the on-site meeting, one of our designers will meet you at your outdoor space, listen to your needs, and begin to craft a landscape design tailored to your space and preferences.

Proposal and Design Review

Whether it’s full-scale landscape design plans, intricate garden designs, structural elements or hand crafted patio furniture, each project at Detailed Landscape is arranged with the knowledge that a landscape will change every season – in color, texture and size.

After drafting an initial landscape design, we’ll carefully review your custom proposal together. With your feedback, we’ll continue to refine and modify your design until it’s perfect.


On the project start date, our dedicated crew will begin implementing your landscape design. Regardless of the project size, we believe in keeping you informed every step of the way, providing updates on our progress and the estimated completion date.

Once the implementation is complete, all that remains is for you to enjoy your new custom landscaping, all year long. Invite friends and family over to celebrate over dinner, or enjoy a quiet evening while taking in the sunset.

Ready to begin the process? Detailed Landscape is ready to transform your yard into an outdoor retreat. Contact us to start the conversation.