With spring right around the corner, it’s finally time to start thinking about gardening again. This year while you’re planning your produce, it might also be a good time to reevaluate your water usage and find a few ways to cut back on your overall watering. Here are a few of our tips for using less water in your garden.
Utilize Your Compost Pile
Using organic matter like chopped up leaves in your garden soil will help the spoil hold onto water for a longer amount of time. If you have questions about making your own compost, check out our composting 101 blog!
Add Mulch
Mulching plants inside and outside of your garden is key to retaining moisture. This will reduce evaporation and water runoff throughout the year. As a bonus, mulch will also reduce weed growth in the areas where it’s spread.
Pay Attention to When You Water
In seasons of drought, irrigate plants infrequently and deeply. By thoroughly soaking the root zone, you will encourage roots to develop deep in the soil, where moisture is held for a long time. These deep roots will help the plant endure drought more efficiently.
Choose the Right Planter
If you are using containers to plant your garden, be sure to choose the right planter.
Choose a planter that gives the plants room to grow but isn’t too big – the bigger the planter the more water it will need. Also avoid metal planters, as they will heat up more quickly and this can speed evaporation.
Utilize Recycled or Grey Water
Reducing freshwater usage around the home not only saves vital community water supplies, it can also decrease household water bills. Recycling water from sources like your shower, dehumidifiers, a kiddie pool or even rain barrels can serve as a great option for watering your plants and garden.
Before using grey water in your garden, double check that there aren’t any harmful chemicals in the water that may be harmful or toxic to your plants.
Harvest Rainwater
In 2016 legislation was signed to allow rainwater collection in Colorado! This is the process of collecting rainwater runoff and later putting it to use. Placing a rain barrel beneath a patio downspout is a simple way to start collecting! Captured rainwater must be used to water outdoor lawns, plants and/or gardens on the same property from which the rainwater was captured.
And just a reminder that rainwater cannot be used for drinking or other indoor water uses.
Getting excited for spring? Download our Spring Cleaning Checklist to make sure your landscape is ready for the upcoming seasons!